Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday, April 28; more about planning...

I think that in a previous post I had mentioned my wife's Italian relatives...there she is (the redhead) with three of her cousins in Towsen MD. She has some truly wonderful relatives...these three are but a few of the many. We once started talking about a reunion for her side of the family and stopped counting at 33 cousins!

This visit was just before we departed for our visit to Italy in October 2004. We took the train back to NYC on Monday morning, October 4th and caught our Iberia flight at 9:30 that evening. We arrived in Madrid early Tuesday morning the 5th (my wife's birthday) and were in Rome by noon, as I recall.

What a rush! that first day in Rome...

The following morning we left for Venice (again by train) and spent the next five hours on a very pleasant journey north through Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and the Venato to arrive at the train station in Venice mid afternoon?

When one steps off the train and exits the station this is the first picture of Venice. To the left is the corner of the Vaparetto stop (at the right middle edge of the photo) and the experience of Venice must begin with this water taxi ride. For us, we were headed for the Rialto Bridge. Our lodging was the Pensione Guerrato about three (Venice) blocks from Rialto and right around the corner from the fish market (no it was not smelly at all).

I may have already mentioned in a previous post our dinner that night...wish I could remember the name of the place we dined, but suffice it to say...not too bad...not too bad at all! This is us in front of Pensione Guerrato.
(Do you really care about this photo)? We think it important to share the best experiences and this little albergo was one of those Rick Steve's recommendations that as with most of his...proved to be simply excellent!

But...I was starting to talk about planning so next post I will bring my focus back to "The Plan" the history of this experience and how it evolved is pretty cool!

Gotta go for now...stay tuned...

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