Monday, April 7, 2008

Visiting the Italians in Maryland

It has been quite a while (months) since I posted to this blog. We are visiting some relatives in Maryland...a visit we usually make on our way to or returning from, Italy. This Italy in the plan.

Our news for now is a trip planned this fall that will at the very least include a cruise of the west coast of Italy terminating in Palermo (actually Barcelona start and finish) but we plan to get "off the boat" in Palermo and work our way up through Puglia and into Calabria ending up in Rome after a few weeks. Then, if the plan comes together, I will spend an additional two or three weeks exploring Umbria for possible "digs" for our first extended stay in 2010...months instead of only weeks...

Well, everyone is gathering for dinner so I will wrap up for today. Check in in a few days and I will post more about Baltimore and the Maryland trip.

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